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A living thing that lasts the longest, and has seen man in all his folly, the tree! The longest living being on this planet. Many years ago I set a personal project to capture in the moment of the life of trees.

I find Trees very interesting. The times they have seen. the moments seam like nothing to them. My spirt resides in trees. It is my quest to create fine Art landscape photographs of trees in their environment in the most beautiful light I can capture. Please come back many times enjoying me in my quest Capture the beauty of trees.
Alone__20160917-_MAY6732The Trickle in The Forest_20160917-_MAY6635LonelyLife Amongst the RuinA Pond MonolithSpruce ForestA Carpet of YellowGreen ConfusionHolding onTwistedThe Path though the treesPrecariousCan' See the Forest...Natures Monolth☀Out From the RestPealingRelections of DeathReincarnation