Jasper Day Trip

May 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Wandering in the Mountains 


Yesterday I am a couple of my friends where going to take a day trip to Jasper national park. Well it did not work out that way from them and I was left to my own devices. Well I have a car and a camera so what the hell, key in the ignition and and off west. 


It’s not just a short hop, it really takes a good couple of hours just to get to Jasper. And when I got there after a little debate pointed the car south and wandered down the parkway. For those of you who don’t have a clue what I am talking about, the Parkway is one the most beautiful drives in the world and it connects Jasper town with Banff town. Most times in the summer it is kind of slow going but this being real early in the season there where very few cars. 


Wandering means in my book that time just doesn't matter so to cover 150km took the most of the afternoon. it was glorious the weather was stunning the entire way. maybe not the perfect light for fantastic dramatic landscapes but I like clean sunny images too, so for me the time of day does not free me from my love of what I am seeing. I try my best with what mother nature has given me, and I hope you like what you see. 



I still have a few more images to edit so stay tuned for the next entry I will add a couple more images. 


Cheers all!! 


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