Farms and Fields this Harvest

October 11, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Well Hello again!


I took a look at my website the last few days wondering if it would be Wise to explain how I come up with ideas's and galleries, thats coming. As I am not a horribly technical guy, and the way it is on the Internet these days I don't want to be very technical. Because it seems like there's an awful lot of anal-retentive individuals who feel “geeking out” about their cameras identifies that they actually knowing what they're doing, kind of scares me. 


I have always been of the philosophy that the camera is nothing more than a tool of our vision. And The most important thing to me about the camera tech, is to just understand how it works, and how the camera it's self sees. The editing is an attempt to get the Cameras vision with our artistic vision and combine the two. The anal editing types get all wound up thinking that the photograph should be completely finished within the camera, they're a different group as well quite honest with you, not worth the debate. 


I don't like going on rants about photography, I don't like spending a huge amount of time explaining the merits of this camera over that camera. I'd rather be outside with the wind in my face and a beautiful scene before me, with a good camera, great glass, with a good tripod, and a handful of neutral density filters. Do I care what brand of camera I am using; for the most part, no! Do I care what's glass I use, how sharp it is, how clean it is, how many aspersions it has, how distorted it is, yes! But here's the caveat what it comes to a lens, all these attributes of this lens are so I know how it reacts to the light that's in front of me, not so that I can go around with a fluffed up chest. Hey I own three Tilt shift lenses for a reason, and every other lens sports a "Red Ring", not because I like to brag about them because they are great glass. 


It's time just to get out and shoot, finish reading this then turn off you computer and go outside!


Let's get to what I've been doing over the last few days.

Light in the ValleyLight in the ValleyJust North of Mayerthorpe after an afternoon storm, Mother Nature provides me some lovly light.


If you haven't noticed, it's autumn outside, and around here that means harvest. So I have been doing everything in my power over the last few days to Get the ultimate image. I'm not so interested in the farm vehicle working in the field of dust pouring out from the back. I'm looking for patterns, I'm looking for light as it goes across the field, I'm generally looking for a beautiful thing. Clean field that isn't full of extra extraneous plants. That's not to common in todays world of mono agriculture. To me a single clean crop of wheat sure is interesting. The crop cut down and drying in the fields makes the interesting patterns. With me, in the end, even with all the political discussions, questioning the environment, nothing matters more than the picture.

A Field of GoldA Field of GoldA field just north of Rochford Bridge an un-harvested field stands waiting for the combine.

This year has been a tough one for our farmers. The grain though ripe is looking small. But the valley is still very pretty. :)


So these photographs were taken within a very short distance of home. I was out wondering almost every night looking for clean crops. I found this place and set up, and waited for the light to change. In the space of 45 minutes I had four conversations with people driving by. It has always amazed me how country folk are so easy to talk to for the most part. 

Lines of Harvest_20150907-_MAY3691Lines of Harvest_20150907-_MAY3691On my way to Thunder Lake i just had to come to a screacing halt when I saw this.

I took this with the cell phone as well just because, there is no contest, the Canon kicks the iPhone to the curb. :)


This photograph I was driving speedily, along the highway and saw the light strike this field, and had no option. I had to turn around and park, set up and take the picture.


Just remember No one see you work if you hide it on your computer. 





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