The Best of 2017

December 30, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I bet you figured out that this is not a blog in 2018.  Well you'd be right this is still 2017.  I'm getting a head start on the year that's going to change my life.  I thought to started off I would do something like I did last year, but I decided I didn't want to do anything that represented a video.

Glorious  Drew May PhotoGlorious Drew May PhotoIn the words of John Muir:
How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains!

Sums this image up pretty well, enjoy!

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


So here are the 15 best images that I captured this year.  Some of you know this was a tough year for me, in a few short days this year has come to an end.  I can't say that I'll be sorry to see it go.  So with a new computer, the same old camera, but a new outlook I will push to make myself something to be remembered. 

Layers  Drew May PhotoLayers Drew May PhotoStanding on a ridgeline above the mighty Athabasca River, I was drawn to the light and clouds. I could only see this in Black and White, so I mille dover this image for days and spent the common multitude of hours creating a black and white that is my vision, and that is always a time consumer.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


This year, I will be continuing started projects of previous years, I am working on creating a new project specifically for this year. I also decided it's time that I take my work and see if I can put it in venues that will present my work in a better light.  I can see it's going to be a year but I will suffer a certain amount of derision and I'm sure that my ego will be crushed from time to time. 

Fractured  Drew May PhotoFractured Drew May PhotoAbraham Lake David Thompson County Alberta Canada, the day before water was all over the lake, today frozen solid. As the “lake” [Abraham is a reservoir] water level drops though the winter, large thick layers of ice is laid down down on the shore.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


That is the arts! 

Glowing  Drew May PhotoGlowing Drew May PhotoRoche Miette and Capitol mountain grab the last moments of light, as the last glimmers of Summer give way to the colours of autumn.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


I've also decided that it is time one for me to express my opinion to a certain degree.  I am truly getting tired of a few things in our industry and it is time that I Express my opinion.  But fear not the majority of my blogging will be directed at the work that I am doing.  I think it's time for me to get a little more expressive about where I am and what I've done to get the shot.  Some people have told the that I should do some more of vlogging, but I don't know how I would do with that.

Final Refections  Drew May PhotoFinal Refections Drew May PhotoAs the sun slips behind the mountains I am am with a group from my photo club, standing well inside Jasper Lake. After a very pleasant day spent with friends enjoying what I truly love, I am refreshed once again and hopefully my inspiration has returned. Jasper will always be my favourite place and all the world.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


Oh well, things are on the way to change and this year is going to be major for Drew May Photography!

Fragmented  Drew May PhotoFragmented Drew May PhotoOn the shores of Abraham Lake and David Thompson County Alberta, The early morning sun crests, the horizon is mirrored in the ice before me. As Abraham Lake is a reservoir created by the power company for the creation of power, the level of the lake, through the winter drops precipitously until the spring. The ice here takes on the colour of the water a greenish blue. I will always be drawn to this area simply because of the many faces that is David Thompson country.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


Rushing  Drew May PhotoRushing Drew May PhotoI am playing about with a few images to get the insperation back. This day I wandered into BC with a friend with the intention to walk the trail to Burg Lake, not going to happen to late a start and not really prepaired so we spent time next to the river.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


A Path  Drew May PhotoA Path Drew May PhotoI was sitting in my chair one day, with no ambition. Suddenly I felt a need to drive to Jasper. So I drove the 3 hours to my place of heaven and assended the road to Miette Hot Springs. I was greeted to piles of snow in June. A pleasant path was created between the trees. Green and white just go together so well.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


It's a secret  Drew May PhotoIt's a secret Drew May PhotoPeople of my photo club we're wandering further up Jasper Lake, I saw this little depression in the trees just off the highway. And I thought to myself "I wonder what's down there" so off I walked. Through the trees and down into this valley I walked. Jasper national Park has so many little gems in so many little places it is always, and always will be, wondrous!

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


Skylights  Drew May PhotoSkylights Drew May PhotoIt has been a wile for me to get back in the grove after some personal issues and changes. I decided it was time to go out with my local club members and spend some time watching the sky.

The storm of the evening of the the 27-28 was particularly interesting. this is the first of some 100+ images i took that evening.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


Writing on the Sky  Drew May PhotoWriting on the Sky Drew May PhotoPlease take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


Past  Drew May PhotoPast Drew May PhotoBack in time this place resounded with happy sounds. Joyous children bolting up these stairs going for a swim. Elderly persons seaking relief from the aches and pains of age. Can you hear the past?

The main entrence to the old Pool at Miette Hot Springs loses to the elements as mother nature clames back her space.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment!


Standing    Drew May PhotoStanding Drew May PhotoIt always amazes me just how life can survive in just about any place.

Walking the old path to the "Old Pool" at Miette Hotsprings I saw this little tree holding on to the most precarious spot I could think of.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.

© could think of.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


Waves  Drew May PhotoWaves Drew May PhotoPlease take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


I save the best for last in my view!

Violet  Drew May PhotoViolet Drew May PhotoThe very last moments of an evening light as the colour shifts to an iridescent Violet hue, I am drawn to this scene by the patterns in the silt left as Jasper lake sir comes to winters grip. For some unknown reason I have been drawn near the entry point of Jasper National Park’s east gate. It is more likely than not, the very large number of visitors to the National Park.

Please take the time to visit my web site, leave a comment! Prints can be ordered direct from there or custom, limited editions can be ordered by contacting me directly.


So the year begins I hope you have the best year of all time, I am going to, I just feel it in my bones! :)


Cheers to you all!!


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