The two Pleskitts

September 30, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Hey guys!


I thought I would post a couple of photographs that I have taken in the last couple of weeks. I've been a wee bit busy as I've been trying to capture as much of the colour as they possibly can find. The second photograph that you will see in this little blog, will be of no colour whatsoever beyond the grayscale. Yes, drew is shooting black and white again and he truly loves it!

Mt. Peskitt   Drew May PhotoMt. Peskitt Drew May Photo©

As I was traveling in David Thompson country, I saw it in the corner of my eye the glint of a pond that I missed for many years. To some of you who don't realize I have been going to David Thompson for almost 40 years. There are plenty of places I haven't been in the area, but greater exploration is always needed. You will notice that I have this affinity for black and white and I will always have that affinity for black and white. Therefore, the second image is a copy of the first one but in black and white. I am drawn to black and white landscapes because it removes the clutter, and it just shows the landscape. I hope you enjoy and remember I do have a print sale presently  it is 40% off all prints, all you have to do is add “drewmayphoto21” at checkout.

Just so you know I'm also in the process of creating a new blog about my change of direction with the kit that I am using. I have found that shifting to my old ways have given me greater inspiration and a greater desire to get out and shoot. I also have a couple of new lenses that are making my life that much more interesting. I will probably put a little bit of a short moment of interest about these lenses that I've picked up. As you well know I don't like doing a lot of gear reviews because that's not my thing. Also let it be only known right up front I'm not in the business of replacing my filters or supporting any particular brand at this moment. I have this desire to go back to circular filters for some reason I'll explain in the next blog.


Cheers remember to shut up and shoot!



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