Dare to be different

November 27, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Dare to be different

Today's selection is from almost three years back. I spent a little time in Pincher Creek, I was drawn to the amazing transition between mountains and prairies. always found it amazing how quickly it happens in the southern part of this province, at one point you have flat perfect grasslands and then suddenly you're in the mountains.

Dare to be Different Drew May Photo20190419_MAY5517-PanoDare to be Different Drew May Photo20190419_MAY5517-Pano© www.drewmayphotography.com

This image is comprised of 18 separate photographs all combined to make this rather long panoramic. The image was photographed with my Canon 5d Mkiii, sporting the EF 70-200mm F4L {70MM} This is just a little while before I got my 5 DSR. There are times when I miss living in southern Alberta this is one of them.


If you wonder about the title if you were to look to the extreme right you will notice that one windmill is pointed in the opposite direction of the wind. Thus the name dare to be different! The best thing about photography for me, is the ability to explore. What I haven't been saying in the last little while is I broke my foot, and I'm now trapped in my home for the next four to six weeks this makes for an exciting photographic experiment. Giving me time to catch up on photographs that I have ignored for an awfully long time.


I'm keeping this one short, get out there take your cameras, shut up and shoot, don't forget to print it!



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