Sheep River and the first snow.So, I thought I would change my content of my blog and spend a little time talking about and image I captured and hopefully this will be of some interest. A note: I have been working on a blog for the past few weeks and I have been vacillating whether I should publish or not. It is somewhat of a subject that some might consider controversial so I will see if I will publish it or not. Now on with todays blog! The past couple of days while in Calgary there has been a warning of a snowstorm. I unlike many other people, all I can think of, is fall colors and snow, and just how beautiful that would be. So, we come to this Saturday, and I think it’s time to venture out and enjoy the colors of fall. I start with the intention of driving to Banff; I figure the national park in the middle of the snowstorm there will be few people and I might be able to go to spot that I normally avoid. I get no closer to Canmore than 20 kilometres, and I am confronted by “whiteout” conditions and I decide it is wiser for me to stay in the eastern slopes closer to home. I then figured that I will head north there will be less snow, then I realize my time would probably be best spent south. Oh, the trials of an artistic mind! So, I travel to the waterfall that I’ve wanted to go to since I first moved to Calgary some months ago, Sheep River Falls. I have been to these falls three or four times in the last three months, and each time they are heavily populated. I soon realize that this spot is quite popular, and justifiably so. I truly love the area and have spent a few days just exploring the Provincial Park. I wander up its lonely road, populated by a large number of cattle, is they’ve come out of the hills for easier pickings with snow along the roadside. Those that don’t know it’s quite common in Alberta Provincial Parks to be used as cattle grazing areas especially on the eastern slopes. I find myself arriving at the parking lot and realizing there’s quite a large amount of snow. Undaunted I park my car, Hoping I don’t get stuck, grab my camera my mighty tripod and my Kase filters and wander up the semi packed trail to the waterfall overlook. I cross a small stream quite successfully with getting my feet wet [I am suitably proud of this accomplishment] and come upon the location of a satisfactory composition. I decided I’m going to use my neutral density filters to get the silky-smooth waterfall look and I proceed to capture the image you see here. Sadly, there wasn’t more color in the trees, but I might return in a couple of days and see what happens. The fun comes on the return walk up the trail. The little stream that I crossed hasn’t changed a bit, but the coefficient of the friction of snow has been forgotten in my mind. Two careful steps, and one poor placement and a 10-foot drop, leaves me with a sore back, because one must land on one’s butt. A damaged knee, as one must drag a joint across exposed rocks, and a bruised pride! But worry not folks, I remained the hero because I hugged my Canon 5DSR and prevented it from getting wet or striking any rocks. My tripod flew and my Kase filter bag was left higher up in the stream. Simply because it’s far more important to protect the tools, because flesh heals, and there are times when I’m not very bright. It’s quite funny, my first concern was my camera and I was thinking if “I where to fall this is what I would do”, the second was that nobody saw me fall over. Indignantly and got out of the water scrambled out of the little valley that was there, soaked from my waist down, a sore back and a sore knee. Gleefully I continued my way and and met two people on the trail and I preceded to ignore that I was in pain and gave much advice about the trail ahead, then hobbled back to my car. Sadly, my enthusiasm for a day of photographic excellence and come to an end. The moral of the story, I still got the shot and that’s all that matters. Rocks are slippery when wet, the only thing that hurts about a fall, is the sudden stop and always pretend I am just fine. LOL Keep shooting Be kind! And we will post again! Cheers
Drew May Photography,
eastern slopes,
provincial park,
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