
October 14, 2019  •  1 Comment

I have been spending some time in the last few months, searching out reflections.  I have been drawn to Kananaskis country simply because there is less commonality of human occupation.  It’s not that I don’t like people, it’s that I don’t like them in my photography.  It’s funny when I look at other people’s work there seems to be a propensity of many portraitures being done.  Thankfully I have chosen a different path, it is a lonely path [he says with great snobbery and reverence 😊] and I’m sure one day will cause me a visitation from a bear or something worse.

A Spray Valley Refection  Drew May PhotoA Spray Valley Refection Drew May PhotoStanding on the shore of the absolute calm Spillway Lake I capture a moment of blue sky before fall completely takes over. Spillway Lake is a horrible industrial name for a body of water that is so pretty, but it is next to a reservoir so I guess it is not natural.

I was told a while back that the best reflections are always obtained in the morning, but me not being a person that is enthused by the morning sun, I prefer the afternoon search.  OK I will admit that there are times when I see only ripples in the water, but I will say, a blue sky and billowy clouds make for much more interesting composition.  So, my search will continue until I’m truly dead and gone, just like my search for that single tree.  Call it an obsession!

Gap Mountain  Drew May PhotoGap Mountain Drew May Photo©

These images recaptured in an area which turns out to be just industrial pond.  I find it hard pressed to think of it as that when you realize a location you are in, considering the shear unadulterated beauty of the location I am in.  I also decided to include a black and white version just to see if I get some comments about it. 

Refection of the Gap  Drew May PhotoRefection of the Gap Drew May PhotoIt is all about the single tree that stands forward in the refection.


And I am hoping that you’ll engage with me and I can make this website more live.  I’m thinking in the next couple of weeks I will provide a code so you can order prints directly at a reduced cost. Sort of a Christmas gift to you for following this landscape guy in his travels.  I am sure it is to late for that endlessly planned calendar, but I will see what I can do in the next week.

As always,

Be Kind

Keep shooting; Cheers happy Turkey day!



Windi Scott(non-registered)
Thank you for your dedication and creative impulse. Beautiful reflections. The b&w is very effective. Watch out for bears!
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